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Happy Holidays ALL!!

As many of you know, I will be turning 50 in May. To celebrate, I will be putting together a new show with Fabulous guests and will be announcing the venue sometime in early 2016! You are probably thinking, "why am I posting about this 5 months early"? Well, I have a title for my show "50, The Nastiest 'F' Word". But I thought to myself, let's have a "You Name Ike's Birthday Show" Contest. So here is how you can enter!

1. Send an email to with your title and include your name/city/state

2. Make sure the title does not have foul language

3. Entries must be received by December 31st 2015 at 11:59

Entries will be based on Humor/Originality


If your entry is picked you will win:

1. 2 front row tickets to my BIRTHDAY BASH OF THE YEAR (VENUE TO BE ANNOUNCED)


GOOD LUCK and Can't Wait to see the entries!



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