Good-Bye Summer
Happy Labor Day!!

It's official, Summer is over :(
The Season flew, as it was extremely busy! No matter how much you work, you must take the time out and enjoy to refresh. The Summer started out with a great BBQ for Memorial Day Weekend at my amazing friends Jen and Rich. In June, another incredible friend. Joe got me to take a 3 day weekend out on Fire Island and it was a blast. July took me to WIldwood for the week where I enjoyed the Beach/Pool and Boardwalk/rides. End of July I was able to see my HERO Joan Rivers (Prayers still being sent) thanks to my Friends Amber and Chris, and the same weekend I got to see Hedwig (thanks again to Joe) with Neil Patrick Harris and both shows were outstanding. August brought me to Atlantic City with some more amazing friends!

So what is in store for the Fall/Winter? My show "I've Slept My Way To The Top....Twice is coming to the Poconos! Saturday September 13th in the LIving Room at the Sherman Theater. If you haven't purchased your tickets yet, click HERE. Be sure to take a pic of your tix, and send to, as they will be entered into a drawing the night of the show!!
Tickets for my BRAND NEW Holiday show go on sale this Friday September 5th! I Featured guests and what the show is about, along with some HILARIOUS promo pics also coming in the next few weeks!!!

Share your SUMMER stories with me: